Women’s Weighlifting -58 kg category 18th Asian Games Jakarta Palembang 2018

18th  Asian Games Jakarta
Palembang 2018

Chinese Taipei lifter Wins gold In Women’s 

Weighlifting -58 kg category


Asian Games 2018

Antara/Palembang/ Jakarta

Chinese Taipei female lifter Hsingchun Kuo won gold medal in the 2018 Asian Games, women’s weighlifting -58 kg category at the JI Expo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, on Thursday.
The lifter managed to lift an overall 235 kilograms – 105 kg in snatch category and 130 kg in clean and jerk category.
The silver medal was won by Thai lifter Sukanya Srisurat with a total lift of 226 kg – 103 kg from snatch category and 123 kg from clean and jerk.
Meanwhile, the bronze medalist was Mikiko Andoh, a lifter from Japan with a total lift of 218 kg, 91 kg from snatch and 127 kg from clean and jerk.
The Indonesian contingent represented by Lifter Acchedya Jagaddhita only ranked fifth with a total lift of 208 kg, 83 kg from snatch and 115 kg from clean and jerk.
Hsingchun in her third attempt of clean and jerk tried to break the Asian Games record of 140 kg held by Chinese lifter Chen Yanoing and simultaneously the world record of her own of 142 kg by trying to lift a 143-kilogram barbell. She failed, but to the loud applause from the audience.
"Unfortunately, she failed in her attempt to break both Asian Games and World records here," said Putri, one of the spectators.

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